I got this razor for free from the prelaunch event, in the ivory color shown above. There’s also standard navy blue, super bright orange, and barf trash green. It’s 10 dollars from the site, and it arrived very quickly.

First impressions: what a nice looking sliding box; excellent fancy designs inside the box; behold the elegant razor; smooth, premium feel; the “H” logo is chipped; the color is dull. Maybe it’s just the color I chose, but I feel like the shade is more of a dull ivory than the brighter white thats shown on the website. I was deceived by the lighting in the photos. I asked for a replacement razor because of the logo, and they actually sent one in!

The shave: The head pivots using flexible plastic, and the blades are pretty nice so it was a comfortable shave. The end result was a very clean face. Compared to my Gillette Fusion Proglide, the Truman is not as smooth but good enough. The white strip on the head did feel like it was in the way of shaving the closer parts of my nose, so it was a bit awkward for me around that area. They advertise the heavy, smooth, and rounded handle for great mobility and whatnot during your shave, but I honestly didn’t notice.

It’s a very well-designed razor that looks great and feels great in the hand. Its simplicity is what makes it so attractive, and you’ll definitely feel much grander and manlier after using it. Razor-wise, it’s pretty standard and gives good results. Also, the site is also very well designed (with a hip vibe) and really focuses on the customer. There are options to automatically reorder your blades, and their prices are pretty decent.

Rating: 4/5

Here’s a picture of its packaging:


Posted by Anthony Ip

Anthony is an actuary from Los Angeles. He's a Pisces and an INTP. Go away.

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